Vladimir Meskenas
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Self Portrait
Self Portrait 2
Vladimir Meskenas with self protrait
My wife and daughter
Two Sisters
Sir Russell Drysdale
Sir William Dobell
Justice Brereton
Mr Lloyd Rees
Mr and Mrs Weaver Hawkins
Mrs Olsen and child
Rabbi Katz
Rachel Rubenstein 1
Rachel Rubenstein - closeup
Professor Varnas
Professor Kabaila
Nina and Lara
Nina and Lara - closeup
Nina Lara 3
Professor Feurring
Professor Vailatas
Mrs Pongrass
Mrs Spitzer and son
Seidler boy
Lara with Sydney Opera House
Judy Pongrass
Lara 2
Professor Orban
Donald Grant
Sue Cruickshank
Rene Rivkin
Brenda Factor
Brenda Factor 2
John Tillet
Tillet Boy
Tillet Boy Closeup
Mrs Landa
Trudi Factor
Trudi Factor - closeup
Nina Tillet
Erna Feldmanns
Jeff Fenech - triple world boxing champion
Max Schubert of Penfolds Wines
Max Schubert
Donald Friend - Winner of the World's Richest Portrait prize
Donald Friend
Professor Don Ball
Professor Fred Hollows
Still Life
Paddys Market
Natasha with balloon
Sydney Opera House
Granddaughter with Sydney Opera House painting
The 60s
Thompson girls
Count and Countess von Faber-Castell
Natalie and Alea von Faber-Castell
Doctor Victor Chang posing in studio
Doctor Victor Chang
Princess Diana with Doctor Victor Chang portrait
Elle McPherson
Most portraits completed in 1 or 2 sittings. Maximum 6 hours from life.
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